Emile Preschool interviewed by Zaobao

Emile Preschool Founder Dr. TZUO Pei-wen and Principal Reina TAN interviewed by Zaobao.

The news article was in press on August 21, 2017
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(Translated English Version) The career prospects of preschool teachers will be broader

Reina Tan (34 years old, right in the photo) determined to be a preschool teacher regardless of the opposition from her mother. She gave up the opportunity to study in junior college. Instead, she chose to study Early Childhood Education at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. She later studied part-time and received a bachelor’s degree in Preschool Education from the SEED Institute and a master’s degree from the National Institute of Education (NIE). Among the children she taught, some parents pay 2,000 SGD per month tuition fees whereas and some even cannot afford to pay 200 SGD per month. But in her eyes, all children are equally cute. Miss Reina Tan’s stellar performance at NIE left strong impression to Dr. TZUO Peiwen, who was an assistant professor in Early Childhood Education at NIE at that time. When Dr. TZUO decided to set up her own child care service, she immediately invite the this best former student to be the principal of her ideal child care. At that time, Miss TAN was the lecturer of Early Childhood Education at Temasek Polytechnic. Emile Preschool was founded just two months ago by Dr. TZUO and her husband, who is currently an associate professor at School of Computing of NUS. Emile Preschool provides bilingual education with slogan “Preschool founded by Professors”.

(Original Article in Chinese) 幼教教师职业前景将更广

陈晓薇(34岁,图右)立志当幼教教师,当年不顾母亲反对,舍初级学院而到义安理工学院修读学前教育。她过后又半工半读考取新苗师范学院(SEED Institute)的学前教育学士学位和国立教育学院硕士学位。她教过的幼儿中,有的家长每个月付2000元学费,有的连200元都给不起,但在她眼里孩子都一样可爱。陈晓薇在国立教育学院的表现,让讲师左佩文博士留下深刻印象。当左佩文决定自己开设幼儿园的时候,马上想到请这名前学生来当校长。当时,陈晓薇已是淡马锡理工学院学前教育讲师。由左佩文和在新加坡国立大学电脑系担任副教授的丈夫创办的幼儿园爱蜜尔(Emile)刚在两个月前开学,以“由教授创办的幼儿园”为号召,为孩子提供中西合璧的教育。

Emile Preschool

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